Comment and Thread Improvements

We're excited to announce significant improvements to comment and thread management on Teyuto! Now, we make it easier than ever for you to manage and moderate comments and conversations on your content.

πŸ“ Simplified Viewing and Moderation: You can now view the entire list of comments directly from your dashboard, in the "Users/Comments" section. This allows you to have a complete snapshot of all feedback and associated threads and manage them efficiently and promptly.

πŸ”„ Thread Management: The new enhancements also include advanced thread management. You can now easily follow conversations in comment threads and intervene where necessary to keep discussions active and constructive. You can also tag people to notify them.

πŸ›‘οΈ Customized Moderation: With the new options in settings, you have full control over how you want to manage comments. You can choose to publish them directly without moderation or prefer to moderate them before publication from settings/general. This gives you the flexibility to tailor comment management to your specific needs.

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πŸ’‘ Feature Request


About 2 months ago

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